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Old 09-20-2006, 09:52 AM   #1
Virgule3 is in love!
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Default Those of you who know Angeliquexxx personally (Brooke-Chris-Sammy-Bruce etc...)


I don't know if you knew but my very best friend, Angeliquexxx is going to have a baby!!!

Yup! Her and her boyfriend are super happy and she is due for this January...

I want to plan a shower for her and I want to do something special for her... I'm trying to contact as many people in the business as possible. I would really like it if you sent me a congrats card for her that I'll give her at her shower!

She considers you guys her friends and she doesn't have many "real life friends" because she moves around a lot and many people have issues with the whole porn thing...

So, I want to transmit your congrats cards... She doesn't want to know the sex yet so... Just send a regular congrats card...

Here is my address:

Sophie Richard
2947 Ohm
Jonquière, Qc
G7S 5G2

THANKS! I hope to get as many cards as possible!


P.S.: Even if you don't know her personally and want to send a card, that would be super cool too!!!
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