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Old 09-21-2006, 10:39 PM   #1
MarkTiarra should edit this
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Default PAYSITE TIP - Use Your Stats!

I hope ya'll don't mind me spreading some tips/ideas around in a few places... I'm just dropping it here for what it's worth.

I haven't done one of these in awhile and since it's come up a lot with customers of mine lately... it's time to go over it I'd say. =]

Think back to the days when you were still a surfer and looking at porn sites. Maybe you joined a couple in your day before you got the notion to make your own. If you're like I was (and like 90% or more of your clients), you surf right about when you're looking for a little me relief time. =] So what drove you to join? What drives the majority of the market to whip out a credit card? Well basically, something finally makes the person horny enough without finishing the job that they just HAVE to rub one out to it NOW! [This assuming they haven't gotten off on all the free shit out there - but that's another discussion... people still join sites.]

So how do you decide what is going to make them hit that point? You have your personal taste to go on when choosing which sample videos to put up and which pictures to use as caps and in the graphics. This can work to an extent, especially if your site is something you are a fan of yourself. But it only goes so far (and almost nowhere when the site isn't within your tastes).

You wanna see a marked jump in your conversions? Than monitor stats... especially those from your members area. Check out which galleries get hit hardest... which thumbnail a gallery gets clicked on the most. What is the most downloaded video? Your surfers are seeing something that makes them wanna whip it out that moment and to take that knowledge out to the tour is a huge bonus.

Thumbs that get a lot of traffic are great as thumbs filling up extra sample areas on the tour... these are the pics guys are dying to see larger.

Most downloaded videos are the ones you offer the teaser of.

Most popular models are the ones you put into the graphics of the site.

None of this is rocket science but I am amazed at how few people take the time to look at the stats and get that info. A day’s work every couple of months can be a 10% or greater increase in conversion. Heck I've seen it double conversions on sites where the owner isn't into the particular niche him/herself.

If you don't have real good server stats you can always go with a free counter like www.statscounter.com.

Hope that all is helpful for ya'll. Happy porning!
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