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Old 09-29-2006, 08:39 AM   #8
Vid Vicious
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High school .. I was a rocker and rockabilly,

a tough kid, and part of crew. We demanded respect in the halls and sex under the stairs.

As my principal used to say ..I had my own personal door to his office. Yah I was a bad ass, but the chicks dug me, and the teachers passed me .. LOL

Actually one of the only reason I graduated HS was thanks to my art teacher and french teacher (for some reason they really believed in me) and a huge thank you for my principal that no matter what I did .. always finnished his sentence with, "you remind me of me at your age"
he's a good man that cared for his kids.

Luckly I smartened up in College. and lost the tough guy persona

At my HS reunion .. everybody was shocked at how much younger then the rest I looked . and no one was surprised to learn what I do for a living ..
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