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Old 09-29-2006, 09:44 AM   #9
Pat_theBrat should edit this
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I wasn't a popular kid at High School and it never really bothered me. The population at school looked a lot like what Nat described. We had a Black kid, two chinese and that was it.

I've never had any talent for sport, I was too nerdy for the punks, too wild for the nerds... Instead of trying to mold myself to fit in I decided to hang out with the only people who would accept as I was.

I had 2 friends we hung out all the time. Had our first GF about the same time. Started drinking, smokin, etc. All together. We still call each other regularly and hang out once in a while.

Beside that I had the occasionnal mingling with diffent groups but I never really took part with any "gang".
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