X Nations - View Single Post - Cybernet Expo 2007 Celebrates 10th Anniversary in Tampa, Florida
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Old 10-06-2006, 09:51 AM   #4
Sharpie should edit this
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris
I've never been to Tampa. Hopefully I can make it to this show.
I have known all the organizers of Cybernetexpo for years and they're all top shelf people.

When will it come back to Montreal?

Actually Chris, probably not for a long time - there are already other shows in the area now. We have been there 3 times & some of my best memories. VanCouver was our second choice this year, but will table that for awhile. With the new laws going into effect that you have to have a passport to go from the US to Canada, it would prohibit last minute planning for attendees.... and believe me, 25% seem to be last minute planners. I know that many already have passports, but there are many more who do not & it is not an overnight process to get one. Eventually, it will become more common place & we will consider Canada again (that and some strengthing of the US dollar)

Anyway, hope to see you. Been awhile. Don't think I have seen your wife since the wedding??
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