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Old 12-04-2002, 05:06 AM   #13
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Originally posted by Fullcontactfighter
Thanks alot guys for all your advice!. Mister X, thank you for your great insight!. I just have 2 more questions, where can i get my own content from?

and, yes i am taking part in cash programs of adult websites. So should take these gallerys, which i create from there content (or free hosted), and submit them to free porn sites? (i.e - worldsex.com, that greenguy site), is there a cost to submit a gallery?

or am i way off?

Once again, thanks!

P.S - Mister X, what toppings would you like on your pizza?!
Hehe. Pepperoni, mushrooms, and back bacon.

As to the questions...
1) Content is easy to find. Click the resources button at the top of this page and there are links to 3 content sites and several webmaster resource sites which will have links to many many others. A couple of things to remember when buying content. There are a few different licenses for picture or video content. They may have restrictions on how many sites or domains you can use them on. They may also limit the type of sites on which you can use them. I.E. sites without a password protected member area may not be eligible. A lot of that depends on the exclusivity of the content which is also specified in the license usually. Sometimes they want to keep the value of their sets higher by limiting their exposure. It's a good idea to remember that you are only buying a license, not the actual copyright.

2) Post gallery pages to sites like the greenguy, etc? Well yes and no. There are different classes of linksites. The traditional TGP will acept links to a single page which has 10 to 20 or so thumbnails which link to the larger pics. Much like the free-hosted content that you've been using. Then there are picposts. They accept links to single pages also. But there is only one full size picture on an html page. There are spots above and below for for your ad banners and sometimes on the sides as well. Probably not very useful to anyone except site owners, but they are a fairly cost effective means of advertising. Next there are linklists which only list sites consisting of an index page and several linked pages. You can make one of these from several of your already posted gallery pages. That's a freesite. They can be effective in reaching a more productive class of surfer than most tgp traffic. They will almost always get a higher search engine ranking than a single page will. Some link lists will post links to all three types of site on diferent pages. Many, maybe most, will only accept one type.

3) Almost all of the big linklists (the ones with lots of traffic) will sell guaranteed listings and higher placements. DO NOT BOTHER. For the most part there is no great difference between a top 10 listing and the number 30 spot. The description of the page that you submit is the single most important factor in getting traffic to your page/site. Some tgps don't use anything except a simple category description like "Amateur Gallery" for just that reason. But even then top 10 isn't that huge a boost. And buying listings adds expense to your bottomline. That's good to avoid because here's the kicker: all tgp traffic is shit traffic! If your gallery page gets 100,000 unique visitors in a day (it happens) you will be doing very well to get 250 banner clicks. Out of your banner clicks you will be pretty lucky to get better than 1 signup in 500. So that means you will be doing pretty good to get 1 signup for every 200,000 uniques. Now what is that sponsor paying? 50% recurring? 50% per initial signup? A flat fee? Let's say it's 30 bucks flat. Maybe you made 10 bucks from those 200,000 uniques. Because the bandwidth probably cost you at least 20 bucks if you don't have your own server.

4) There are so many variables in this shit that it is impossible to go into all of them. For example: My busiest day for clicks to a sponsor was about 960 on around 90,000 uniques from The Hun. Total signups were zero. On a fairlly average day with maybe 35,000 uniques I got about 75 clicks. Total signups, 10. Everything can affect this. The girl who's in the pics, the design of your gallery, which banner you are using, which tgps you're getting traffic from, whether or not your sponsor changed something on their site..... the list goes on. Conversely my little tgp with barely any traffic and very low upkeep costs gets a much higher ratio of clicks. That's one reason why I suggested just having the banners for your sponsors on your toy site. Or you can do a combination.

5) Don't get discouraged! Check out some of the resource sites. They really do have a lot of valuable info. If you want to post to tgps then visit some of the big guys and look at the galleries. See what gets posted. Check out the submit pages and read their rules. Every tgp has rules. Some of them are stupid and some are unique to just that one tgp. You might want to try submitting one page to a few tgps and see what happens. Whether or not you get accepted and how much traffic you get if you are. Keep a note of which places accept you and which don't. Everyone's tastes are different so some places might never list you. Check into starting different types of sites. maybe start a tgp and submit galleries to other tgps at the same time. Look into avs sites. Maybe set up a couple or 3 free sites.

Good luck. try to have fun with it.
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