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Old 10-17-2006, 10:38 AM   #19
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Originally Posted by Quagmire
I will be honest. I don't so much hate the Leafs as I do the management and what they have done. The fact that they suck complete donkey dick and they are the most expensive team in the NHL to see play does not make any sense at all.

Leafs fans keep going to these games even though the team sucks and the price is too high. Until people stop going to the games and stop supporting the team, they will keep putting a shitty team on the ice. They don't have to win to make money, they just have to show up.
sadly that isnt going to happen. Fans here will show up no matter what.

we are one of the teams with the most money to spend, and still we come out with loosing teams. As was said, the problem really is in the management and not so much the players. Case in point, start naming all the players who once were leafs, then when traded suddenly became hero's and kickass players on another team.

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