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Old 10-25-2006, 03:25 PM   #1
TheEnforcer is Buy advertising from me NOW!
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Default TheEnforcer releases TheBoardBroker.com

TheEnforcer releases TheBoardBroker.com

After years of working on the web in both mainstream and the adult industry, long-time industry veteran TheEnforcer (Matt Lewis) has released http://www.theboardbroker.com for companies that wish to maximise their exposure with multiple high quality advertising placements from a single source. A one-stop shop for all your advertising needs.

"I started selling advertising about two years ago with Oprano.com and steadily picked up clients from there" said TheEnforcer. "Since that time I have picked up clients that include AllOfEm.com, XNations.com, PrivateLabelResources.com, and YNOTRadio.com in addition to Oprano. I've got a great group of sites for people to advertise at as they all have been around for a number of years and have established themselves with their quality and longevity in the business."

Business owners can go to the site and look at all 5 resources and view the various and numerous different advertising spots Advertising packages range from low price high value fare such as text buttons to high end-high visibility items such as board skins. Other package options include such popular items as inclusion into opt-in newsletters, radio spots, keyword targeted searches that allow for branding, targeted advertising, and more. "I'll work with you to ensure that you get the right package(s) for your goals and budget." TheEnforcer said.
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