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Old 10-26-2006, 01:47 PM   #4
Evil Chris
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I use autogallery Pro for a couple of TGPs and it's fairly easy to manage.

I would start off doing what it is you're interested in. Choose the niche you like so you don't have to stare at something you don't even like day in and day out especially if this is your first TGP. Just take it one step at a time and learn where you can to improve on it.

My advice would be to take submissions. Just be aware that you might get picked up by submitters that will submit any old shitty gallery. That eventually happend to me, and I had to switch to partner accounts only. Don't even think about charging people to submit until you have a huge amount of traffic flowing in and out of your site. There are already many out there who charge for partner accounts that don't have the traffic to back it up.

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