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Old 10-31-2006, 09:10 PM   #8
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I asked the questions because depending on the type of site you wish to build and the purpose of the site, makes a difference as far as advantages and disadvantages.

What may be an advantage on a particular type of TGP site you wish to build, might be a disadvantage on another type of TGP site and the goals in which you set out to accomplish.

For example, you could build a thumb TGP that is designed to be a feeder site. In this case, the skim rate would be really high. (More links lead to trades, sites, FPA, custom tours, whatever..., than actual galleries with content). However, if you were building this thumb TGP to use advertising and galleries as sales tools, sell partner accounts, sell gallery spots, and/or sell advertising spots, and attract bookmarking, you wouldn't want to set the skim rate really high. You would want more surfers clicking on the thumbs and actually getting the content they seek more than being dumped off to trades or misc. sites.
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