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Old 12-04-2002, 02:26 PM   #1
Gringo_Unleashed should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Central America
Posts: 1
xBucks: 223
Talking A new site, new content, new cash.


So, what happens when you get a bunch of assclowns in Central America with a bunch of cameras?

Well, you wouldn't get anything special, really.

Add sluts and alcohol, and you've got our site.

Yes, I bring this to you now, Gringo Unleashed. The only on site latina fuck bang pounding pussy destruction team you'll find rampaging coast to coast slamming pussy left to right, night and day!

Right now, we're offering 50/50 payout program, negotiable for high sellers. Great conversions, webmaster content, a fresh look, and we use website billing as a 3rd party biller... you make 6 sales, you fucking get your 6 sales. This program has been put up by a couple of real college dropouts who have been gallery makers for several years. We know what it's like to be shaved, but WSB puts and end to that shit.

Blah blah blah I could go on, we're here to spread the wealth. Ask us for help, content, or whatever and you shall receive. Any questions, feel free to shoot me an email.

- Jason

( Coming soon, hosted rotating galleries! )
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