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Old 12-04-2002, 02:57 PM   #17
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Originally posted by wsjb78
Mister X: You do anything else then helping out newbies and posting on boards?
Sure. I also work 18 hours a day making a lot less money than I did in my last "real" job.
I'm running one tgp and I'll be starting a bunch of others soon. I post galleries on a paid basis. I post galleries for myself. I set up a couple of our sites with cash programs. I made Sophie and ARiA's avatars. And mine, lol. I do a bunch of banners, usually for free. I get to make sure the text on quebeccuties.com is more or less typo free. I'm doing publicity work for our Quebec Cuties Cash program, which is just getting off the ground. I'll be doing promo work for a couple of other sites once they're ready to rock. I'll be doing work for our content business after the redesign is done. I install the occasional cgi program. Just getting started in the biz really.
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