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Old 11-14-2006, 03:19 PM   #17
DonMike is I like toast
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I have a fear of being alone. Some years ago when I lived in Pittsburgh I was caught in a snowstorm. This was the early 90's, no internet, no computer, no cell phone. I was stuck in my apartment all alone and I didn't even have cable. It got so bad that I called everyone I knew and kept telling them to just stay on the phone with me. I was miserable. At that time I never spent any time alone. I went out on the weekends and almost every weeknight. I was never home. These days I'm much better about spending time with myself but I do have the internet, so if I have to be alone I can still chat with people and it's not so bad. I had a computer go bad on me once and I felt like my portal to the world had been cut off. I felt really isolated. It was very strange.

I'm also afraid of drowning.
Don Mike
ICQ: 317407511
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