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Old 12-04-2002, 04:57 PM   #9
Slick should edit this
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Heck, I was hooked on Everquest for over a year and a half, once you get going with it, you get REALLY hooked, that's all that I thought about doing, I even went on Ebay and paid real money for items, he he he.

I haven't played it in a couple of months now, but am getting the bug to jump back into it again.

What gets me is that the game is sooooo damn repetative, you find an area that fits your level, join a group, fight monsters for a couple of weeks while you gain a few levels, then move onto the next area and do the same thing all over again. AND in the battles, if you're a fighter or TANK is the term, you stand up, beat on the monster until it's dead, then sit and wait until the puller for the group, brings in the next monster.

Then if you're a magic caster like healer or mage, you stand up, heal people or cast hurt spells, then sit down and meditate, then stand up again, cast more spells, sit down and meditate, and so on.

HOWEVER, even though it seems repetative, it's addicting as hell once you start playing it. On the Morell Thule server, I have a level 45 Barbarian Warrior and a level 35 High Elf Cleric.

I'd have to say of all of the games that I've ever played in my life, Everquest has to be the game that I've played the most.
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