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Old 11-29-2006, 11:47 AM   #5
Sarah_MaxCash should edit this
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris
A translation service? That's extreme! Congratulations webinc!

For anyone who doesn't know, webinc has been around a long time and is a very reliable company. I have personally used their services many times over the years.

Sarah, I'm trying to target the north Quebec market. Do you guys translate into MicMac?
Since 2000

We think the translation service is going to be really popular. We set it up because so many people were coming to us wanting to set up alternative versions of their tours. As you mention, there are people wanting to do French tours to target French Canadians and then there is the huge number of native Spanish speakers in the States. Not to mention the more global market. Plus, how many times have you seen a paysite that is obviously set up in Eastern Europe or somewhere and the English is really ropey? We also hope the service will help those of our clients whose native language isn't English to develop a better English language website. We can translate to and from 49 language so maybe one of the translators can do it..lol

$35 per FREE and PAID Trial Memberships at MaxCash.com

If you need any help or have any questions contact me at sarah@maxcash.com or on icq at 232834291
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