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Old 12-12-2006, 05:19 PM   #5
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Blogging is still in. Just take a look at Netpond, for example. New people are all taught to go into blogging because TGP/MGP isn't what it used to be. Blogging is cheap and conversion ratios are lower.

Sponsors are continually offering RSS feeds, offering up blogs and such to cater to the blogging affiliates.

Blogging is still very profitable, if done correctly. What will change is all the splogs that are online. Some people launched blogs without having a clue as to what a blog really is or really how to write for the engines. Many people turned blogs into mini TGP/MGP sites. Some bloggers have good traffic and can make their splogs profitable, but those who can't, will let their sites go. They will either implement auto-updates or just completely let it die and move onto something else.
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