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Thread: My new tattoo!
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Old 12-13-2006, 09:42 AM   #6
Virgule3 is in love!
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris
How many tats does that make for you now Sophie?

I still just have the one. A sun on my right shoulder. It took me 38 years to get it. All my life before that I was never interested in getting inked.

Too bad about your experience with Twig, but at least his work was done right as you say.
Well, including my three ladybugs, that's 5 tattoos and I have 6 piercings as well and the only three things that actually show are my new tattoo, my tongue piercing and my tragus (an ear piercing) hihihi!

The experience with Twig was not great but I have no regrets at all. My sister is f**ing jealous of me! lol! She loves the show. But yeah, they are very very well done so I can't complain! Yesterday, there was this very young girl where Dave works. She was crying... She came to see Dave to ask him if he could fix her tattoo... When Dave lifted her shirt, he discovered a huge tattoo on her back but there is not one straight line! She had already gotten a tattoo by Dave and she decided to go see someone else because Dave isn't cheap (but he's SO GOOD), well, she got a bad tattoo... So now, she has to pay Dave to fix it...

CHRIS: What is your tattoo? I wanna see!!!

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