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Old 12-05-2002, 08:03 AM   #10
Juge should edit this
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Wow Slick, that's nuts. If it's that repetitive, I can't see how it can be that addictive. I like RPGs, and I know they can be repetitive at times, and everquest just sounds like a more repetitive glorified RPG, so it seems like it would be very annoying when all you want to do is increase your level.

Again, I'll have to say the civilization was the most addictive game I have ever played. You are constantly upgrading all the time, it's not so slow like an RPG. There is always something new to do, and the game is constantly changing as you go through time and advance. It's always different, and it's so damn non-repetitive and addictive that as soon as you're done one game (which takes forever) you want to start again becaues it's totally different the next time. Also, regardless of your skill at the game, it's easy to play. You can get into it deep with changing governments and strategies, or you can play it right away after 1 minutes of watching someone else play and forget about all that stuff. It's the first game I ever seen that anyone can play at some many different levels (and I don't mean difficult levels - I mean the exact same game). That Sid Meier guy who designed it is a genious... I need to find civ3 again so I can play it. I don't think the old civ1 works well on today's computers...
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