Okay, I'm probably going to get the Bah-Humbug award for this but I really hated "The Pursuit of Happyness". Yes, I feel bad for the guy that his life was so crappy, yes I'm happy that he and his son were able to build this amazing relationship, and yes I understand that life isn't always a bed of roses, but two and a half hours of a homeless stockbroker??? I live in LA. I can just prop up a lawn chair on Santa Monica Blvd and see it all around me. It's like being next to a talker on a bus who starts off with "boy, my life really sucks right now... wanna hear about it?"
I was also really disappointed by "The Holiday". I love Jack Black but he looked like he got really pissed off at the director and played the movie with as much sappy smarm as he could muster, just to get back at him. Kate Winslet, whom I adore, did as much as she could with the boring material and was the one bright spot of the movie. Cameron Diaz was okay, but not really as likable as she's supposed to be, and Jude Law was handsome as ever, although his gorgeous tan mysteriously disappears towards the end of the movie, although only a few days are supposed to have passed. Thank God for the inclusion of several songs by Imogene Heap, which kept me from deliberately trying to choke myself to death on my popcorn due to terminal boredom.
My favorite movie this year would have to be "Another Gay Movie". It was nasty, lowbrow humor at it's absolute best. Any movie that makes me almost puke from laughing so hard will always top my list and this was one of them. I do have to admit, though, a lot of the humor was based on things I could relate to from my own personal experience so it might not be as funny to everyone else, but everyone I know that saw it really liked it.
I also caught a showing of the silent movie sci-fi classic "Metropolis", recently restored so that it looked amazing. If the recent DVD release is anywhere near as good I highly recommend adding it to your Netflix.