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Old 01-02-2007, 06:53 PM   #1
WebcamCash Anita
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Default WebcamCash says stop burning your foreign traffic!


WebcamCash’s newest integration with NoCreditCard will result in lucrative foreign conversions for affiliates, without having to do anything at all.

A strategic partnership with NoCreditCard, the leading program for converting foreign traffic for adult sites, was stemmed from the realization that a lot of potential business was getting turned away from non-first-world countries, where webcam use is too costly, and credit card penetration is limited. Barry Fruitman, CEO of WebcamCash.com, deemed this to be a huge waste and wanted to create a solution where foreign surfers can use alternative payment methods to buy the webcam content they are looking for.

“We’ve worked very hard to make affiliates more money by ensuring the previously wasted traffic is no longer being burnt. Now, our affiliates can make money off every click,” Fruitman says. “There’s no more lost sales, because it gets redirected automatically.”

“And we do the geo-targeting for them,” Fruitman enthuses.

The best part of the deal, aside from the easy additional revenue, is that WebcamCash affiliates needn’t lift a finger. Traffic from non-western countries will be redirected automatically to the NoCreditCard program when you link to any WebcamCash site, making it the only webcam program designed to convert surfers anywhere in the world.

WebcamCash is an affiliate cash program powered by the webcam mega-sites Cam Club, (http://www.camclub.com), Spread4U (http://www.spread4u.com) and Stroke4U, (http://www.stroke4u.com) and over a dozen niche domains. All are owned and operated by Black Dog Unlimited. The company has been a leading provider of live feeds since 1999.

To start earning from Cam Club, simply go to http://www.webcamcash.com. Questions may be directed to Sales Manager Derek “Dwreck” Smout, at 1-800-735-2423 or +1-416-977-9734 (internationally). He can also be reached via email at ersonname w:st="on">derek@webcamcash.comersonname> or ICQ 165976549.

WebcamCash - Built To Convert
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