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Old 01-12-2007, 07:41 AM   #1
lulu is lovin' life
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Default Been busy with sponsorslist.com

hi everyone, its been a good month since my last post. i hope you are all doing well. i'll be back more often now. i've been busy and here's why...

"We’re happy to announce that RabbitsReviews officially launched its sister site today, sponsorslist.com. It’s a sponsors’ directory designed with both webmasters and sponsors in mind.

RabbitsReviews has over 1000 active sponsors and understands that it can be confusing to find a sponsor. Based on this, we developed an advanced search function where webmasters can narrow down exactly what they are looking for. For example, if you’re looking for sponsors with RSS feeds, or MOTD, or two tier payout, you plug in those criteria and get sponsors who match your search specifications.

Consequently, our directory combined with this search feature gives sponsors maximum exposure. If you are a sponsor looking for new affiliates, we invite you to list your program with SponsorsList.com.

The same level of quality and professionalism found with RabbitsReviews.com is what you’ll get with Sponsorslist.com. See for yourself. Try our advanced search, (aka - kick ass search feature) to locate the sponsor which corresponds to your needs."
PROMOTE WORLD WIDE with Translations XXX and
Lulu, Business Development, icq 405 731 449 skype translationsxxx

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