I wasn't there - outside of just having a baby - after last year I wanted to wait another round before trusting Vegas Internext with company month to make it worth while.
What I felt from responses out of the gate are that companies are wanting to see more bang for their buck - and that comes from networking. Vegas doesn't allow much opportunity to network and get work done as much as partying and gambling. Shows such as Phoenix and Florida are designed for doing business and networking. I think you'll find companies are getting smarter and will start using the money spent on Vegas which is extremely high and start visiting smaller shows where they can for the price of one Vegas show now go to 2 maybe 3 other shows and get more work done.
Seminars - well we all know about that - your watching people up on the panel kiss ass to their affiliate program and others up on the platform, not being fair and balanced to the webmaster by giving them all of the options, only the options they want to give which falls in line with their company - and responding to answers given from panels from years past. Only a few do have words of wisdom in them and worth the time.
Face it - seminars are rarely about giving honest - solid informative secrets about how to succeed in the industry. Even the 2257 seminars the lawyers tend to over shoot the mark so that you will seek them out and spend money on them to protect yourself.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato