Originally posted by Juge
He is Smooth Criminal on GFY, actually he is also Smooth Criminal 2 thru 6 on GFY, because he kept getting banned. He is a dumbass that was hotlinking images from the C:\ drive in his posts, and he couldn't understand why he could see the images and no one else could. I even spoke with him on ICQ and told him why and he wouldn't listen. He spams everyone ICQ about selling him email list and all kinds of shit. He pisses everyone off when they say no or tell him to stop spamming. He constantly uses the term "bling bling" and claims he is going "international" with his business.
In other words, he is a joke.
I could not have said it better myself, although I would have used a few more adjectives! LMAO
He ICQ'd me and told me that he bets that he makes more money than me...then I laughed at him and he told me to go fuck my mum LMAO he needs a swift kick in the head!! I had some fun with him, but he's not very challenging hehe