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Old 01-20-2007, 10:22 PM   #29
RawAlex should edit this
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I use to do The two internext shows and cybernet for the longest time, plus I have gone to a european show, etc. I have missed the last 3 internext shows (two Vegas shows and one Miami show) and I have to say I don't feel that I truly missed much.

Vegas is a horrible place to have a show these days, as everyone has got their little zone worked out, and without a pressing reason to be at the show hotel, most people spread out. Yes, all the people you want to see are in town, but try to hook up.

In this regard, the Miami show is the better of the two AVN shows, as it comes the closest to bringing what the Cybernet show or the Pheonix Forum brings to the table, which is all the people in the same place, with most of the events focused around one area.
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