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Old 01-22-2007, 02:34 PM   #31
McKidd is drinking scotch
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Originally Posted by JFK
Seems to me , damned if they do, damned if they dont............for me it was an improvement over last year and I did have a good show then as well. They have made quite a number of improvements to acommodate every taste. You cant please everyone.Just because you attend a show ANY show it doesnt mean that business is going to fall into your lap. you have to work for it!
I'm not sure that's the real argument here. AVN's efforts over the past few years seem to have dwindled while their prices continue to rise. Their show(s) aren't as competitive as they once were and they don't seem to be doing anything about it either. True, a show is what you make of it but when the number of people attending and their general feeling about the show drops considerably, there must be something there to address.
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