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Old 01-22-2007, 07:29 PM   #14
Tucker should edit this
Citizen X
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Originally Posted by McKidd
Who is Tucker and why wouldn't he post this information himself?
This is stuff the webmaster community might be inclined to want to know about.
Boy o boy… misunderstandings...hehe

OK in no particular order;
- Tucker is NOT going after everyone.
- Falcon Foto is not having money problems. (you can’t really file a slew of Federal Lawsuits with no money).
- I personally make an effort to talk to anyone who Falcon has identified prior to filing and only file as a last resort.
- You can see that I don’t post that often but have been a member for a while.

McKidd - I have known The Legacy for years and was chatting with him offline because not everything, despite what some think, is for public consumption on a board. His analysis though it dead spot on. I am tired of people using content without permission, outside the scope of a license or from straight theft. We ALL lose money as a result of it.

Piracy plaques our industry both on and offline and we (Falcon) are in a position to help put a dent in it. We are in all facets of the adult business so we see it on all fronts; we also get hit on all fronts. I spoke about this on the FSC Piracy panel at AEE in Las Vegas last week.

I have been very public in expressing my frustration in public settings;

You can read about Falcon and its founder, my wife Gail in the Feb issue of Xbiz. It is the cover story titled ‘Midas Touch’.

I have been very busy have not had a chance to be on all the boards but in this case, I hope to reach a resolution.

Bottom line is that I don’t like fighting companies in our business but if left with no resolve, I will defend what is rightfully ours as it is our right to do so.

Last note, watch my TV Show on Sunday nights on VH1 “Shooting Sizemore”, we need all the eyeballs we can get.
Exploit it for cold hard cash.
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