Originally posted by Juge
I see... so they knew that these other clients were using the server for gallery pages only? It should have been up to them to inform the host that they may get peaks in traffic like that. I think some people really have no idea how much b/w the hun will cost a gallery...
Well they gave a discount because of it being for gallery pages and such only, so I guess they knew. But as I said... I don't think these guys even know what a gallery page is. Lord knows I've tried to explain. I know the person in question who has the 2 pages on the Hun. Like I said, these guys have oversold their server space by a pretty good margin. It isn't up to anyone to hold the hand of their host and explain how the internet works. And these guys just don't give a damn. They don't return calls or answer emails. I'm seriously considering reporting them to the Montreal BBB.