02-06-2007, 07:12 PM
should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 22
xBucks: 235
Test your sheep reaction time
This is very kewl.
A neat flash based page with a flock of sheep.
Your task: To click a button that shoots a traquilizer dart as soon as you see one of 'em making a run for it, as quickly as you can. 5 sheep total will take off and there's a 3 second penalty if you shoot before one takes off. It'll then give you your average reaction time and rating. Addictive, informative and just plain fun.
My average reaction time: 0.229 seconds.
Rating: "Bobbing Bobcat" .. lol
Advice: I need to get a cup of coffee and try again.
Sounds like sound advice. ;-)
http://www.youshock.com/skills/sheep_reaction_test/ffice ffice" />>>