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Old 02-08-2007, 10:42 AM   #2
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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you mean there are actually webmasters and owners lying about how much they make?

I find this article very revealing - and true. Can't imagine over the years how many owners/webmasters etc. who on the boards show off that they have all this money, fame and fortune - yet are almost penniless or close to bankruptcy. Not too mention how many posters show off their great cars / cash etc. when in fact they live in their parents basement or a low income apartment and would die of embarrassment should anyone actually find out.

you are never going to get a straight (or gay) answer from the industry as to what is actually going on. Most of the largest programs refuse to admit that their whole company probably survives on about 300 webmasters with the other thousands just fluff not doing shit. One company in my past survived on approximately 60 webmasters/companies for it's business - then had it's pay sites and upsell programs to balance out the rest. The owner drove a Lincoln navigator as did the VP, the remainder bused in, walked or drove cars used or under 30k. Many high profile posters from companies who claimed riches were actually living in one/two bedroom small apartments, catch the bus close to work then walked the rest of the way with no car, always having to hitch rides... and hoping that at industry parties someone else would pick up the tab.

same can be said about how many actual webmasters are there in the industry. Internext gathers a few thousand each year - the webmaster boards have basically the same people posting on each board, just jump around. There are actually many more webmasters who never visit boards or care to. Still there are many who simply post on boards who have nothing to do with the industry but because they really have nothing better to do in life, posting here not only keeps them off the streets, but is as close to talking to celebrities as they will ever get. Hoping to chat with a pornstar, maybe even becoming one themselves - maybe even getting a free pic or two. No one wants to admit that the webmaster boards have shit disturbers who's sole purpose is to be acknowledged or brag to their friends that they know "tons of people" in the adult industry - seemingly making it look as though by associating with us, makes them popular.

I am guessing and personally believe there are likely about 6 to 9 thousand actual webmasters - about 2 thousand are in the gay industry.

Skype: robjameswarren

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