Hey yall! I just wanted to stop by and properly introduce myself here ... I am a new member! My name is
Amanda and I have just been brought on by
AlphaRed.com as a new hosting representative. I've been browsing for a bit, and I love it! Its really fun reading all these crazy topics! I've gone ahead and posted my pic in order to save yall the trouble of askin' for it later! I look forward to joining the community and putting my two cents in

! I am also available and represent AlphaRed.com hosting. So if yall have any questions about hosting, or need some hosting hit me up! I can't wait until the guys here at
AlphaRed finish up the new website (i know its kinda empty right now) and announce the amazing changes and upgrades they've been working on tirelessly for the last couple of months. Anyway...it's fun being here and being able to gain the great pleasure I do from reading all of your topics.
Feel free to ICQ me, I am always looking for new friends to help develop business with!
ICQ: 475983678

Premium Rackmounted Servers / 99.999% Network Uptime SLA / Tier 1 BGP4
42,000Mbps BGP4 Network / adult-sales [atnospam] alphared.com