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Old 02-12-2007, 02:05 PM   #9
dyonisus is Supreme Soul Rider
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Originally Posted by Relentless
That definition of "prostitute" fits most people doesn't it?.
I would say that is a generalization , and I would also disagree that she is a prostitute because she married a wealthy guy... the whole concept is extremely judgemental especially when we only know of her what we saw and star life is not easy or real from a media perspective.

Originally Posted by Relentless
I agree she was not very hot and was quite a wackjob, but for someone with an IQ in the double digits she managed to make quite a bit out of her double Ds. That is what I find interesting. There are a lot of large chested whores in the world, most don't marry billionaires and have their own TV shows.

She did... and it makes you wonder what she knew that the others do not.
Have you a record of her IQ?
Using ones assets is a business we all make our income from, seems to me she was pretty smart about knoing who she was and what men woudl give offer her if she used what she was given to make herself a life.

obviously she was using, and obviously her life was tragic, but has anyone stopped to consider that there is more here then the media frenzy and gossip is following. A broken woman, someone who was being used and manipulated by even her own mother, even after her death..

Just my thoughts
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