Originally Posted by Relentless
I've lived in New York most of my life. The dating scene is no different than anywhere else. If you are a confident and responsible man who knows what he wants out of life and is willing to share that life with someone else you will never have hard time getting laid.
The problem is, most men like that are far too busy and think getting laid is very easy... so they don't put much effort into making it happen. That leaves dweebs, posers and people with no plan in life as the majority of the available dating pool for women to pick through.
interesting.. you seen this series?
the way the girls in the series described the NY dating scene to other places in the world made it seem like its something very special. And the narrators description and all the talk was the same.. So basically anyone watching that show, not living in NY - got the impression that its a very special "atmosphere" in regards to dating.. Also.. most said its ok to date like.. 3 + people at the same time.. While in Europe, etc.. You dont really date like that. You see one girl, and if it doesnt work out, you move on.. but not like 3-4 at the same time.
I couldnt stop watching the show..