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Old 02-16-2007, 11:02 AM   #1
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Default Apple Warning Vista May Corrupt iPods

Apple is warning customers who use the Windows version of its iTunes software to hold off upgrading to Windows Vista until it can release a patch to fix a number of serious compatibility issues, one of which could result in a corrupt iPod player.

Apple, in a statement posted on its Web support forum, says upgrading from Windows 2000 or Windows XP to Vista may result in the inability to play songs purchased and downloaded to the desktop iTunes player from its online iTunes store.

Worse, however, is the problem that iPod users could encounter if they try to eject their digital music player from a desktop port using the "Safely Remove Hardware" feature found on the Vista system tray. That, Apple warns ominously, "may corrupt your iPod."

Apple says the safe way to undock an iPod from a Vista-equipped PC, until a patch is released, is to be sure and use the "Eject iPod" control in the iTunes software.

Apple says the problems will be fixed when it releases the next version of iTunes "within a few weeks."

Until then, PC-using iPod customers could experience a number of other problems if they're running Vista, including contacts and calendars that won't synch with their iPods and problems making changes to iPod settings.

In the meantime, some users report that they can get downloaded iTunes songs to play on Vista if they right-click on the iTunes.exe program, select Properties, click on the Compatibility tab, and check "Run This Program As An Administrator."
Full Story

As if Vista didn't have enough problems, many wonder if this warning is a ploy to stress to Microsoft their market share reaches deep into the PC user population and they have the power to cause even more inscurity about installing the new OS. Who do you think is 'at fault' here, Microsoft or Apple?

In addition, because Microsoft was so "secure" about their new OS keeping everything from pricing to features a secret, expecially from Apple (Could it be because they stole tons of ideas and graphical features from OSX?) other Apple Windows applications are not Vista ready. These include: QuickTime, the iPod shuffle reset utility, Bonjour for Windows, AirPort for Windows, the iDisk utility, AppleWorks for Windows, and Apple Software Update for Windows. The standalone iPod updater for iTunes 6 for Windows also isn't ready for Vista.

Technical support document released by Apple: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=305042

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