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Old 12-06-2002, 01:31 PM   #29
Juge should edit this
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Originally posted by Mister X
Already told them all of those things. They just don't care about virtual customers obviously. It's a lost cause. I'll be changing servers. The only question is when. I was polite but firm in my emails and didn't even get an answer. In the fifth one I said I was fed up and angry and any reputable host would have fixed the problem and given me some kind of discount. That got me the email I posted above.
Yup, I've heard another big host say that their virtual customers just make them no money, and use up a lot of their resources (including customer support). So, from their perspective, it makes sense to do away with virtual hosts. My host stopped setting up virtual hosts over a year ago.

But, this doesn't excuse them to stop giving you any support at all, since you are already a customer of theirs.
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