Originally Posted by Cyndalie
Given that was well before Internet porn. and the free accessibility of it in your own homes.
What's up EJ!
It was indeed before Internet Porn, but Not before it was freely available in the home per se.
Video Tapes made it pretty well available, and there was MUCH more piracy. In fact, I'd bet the piracy level could offset the the free availability of the internet in this argument.
There was very little stigma to people renting adult tapes from stores like ours.
But that's not really the question on point. I doubt any "statistics" that say porn won't decide, or have a strong influence on, the current format war.
recording of ANY new format is almost always for Porn first.
and since people use their VCRs/DVDs for watching porn much of the time, the availability of porn will first influence the average Joe.
The aficionado will approach it from a technical standpoint, but they fall in the early adopter category.