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Old 02-18-2007, 11:33 AM   #1
untouchable should edit this
Citizen X
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Default Little Tip If You Want To Buy Skimmed Traffic From Choker

If you are buying skimmed reseller traffic from choker you better not send it directly to your gallery page!

I would say do this:

You create a different page on the same domain and you fill it with:
* links to your traffic trades
* links to your other sites
* links to toplists you have signed up
* direct links to sponsors

Doing it this way you force your traffic to be productive before they will see the free content.

* the surfer clicks to your traffic trades and you will get better trafic in return
* the surfer clicks on your toplists links and you wil get better traffic in return
* the surfer clicks to your blogs / portals / directories / whatever and will give you a chance to make a sale
* the surfer clicks to your sponsors and will give you the chance to make a sale

Good luck

Feel free to join choker via my referral code if you like:

Or Traffic Adept:

Or TrafficHolder:
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