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Old 02-22-2007, 11:08 PM   #10
Funbrunette is Travelling the world!
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Originally Posted by Cold_ice View Post
It suxs but there is a lot of people out there that can't find happiness so they fuck up their lives looking for it. I think Britney just needs a hug and someone that will listen to her and not her money. I have many friends that have ended a relationship and ended up all drunk and faded only difference is they are not famous so no one gives a rats ass. These girls just need a true friend. two cents Fred

Fred, always a pleasure hearing from you. I agree with you but if we take Britney for example I'm sorry, but I can't bring myself to feel bad for her...She has all the resources available to clean up her act (if her love for her two son's isn't enough) If I'm not mistaken she's now checked herself out of rehab 3 times, this strongly indicates she doesn't even admit she has a problem. My post was not to judge anyone in rehab, but mostly to make a point on how celebrity are turning it into a joke...Someone VERY close to me was in rehab and I can tell you it wasn't pleasant.

With that said hope all is well babe, I miss your presence on the board! Hope the little family is well!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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