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Old 02-27-2007, 09:17 AM   #3
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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one of the demons associated with celeb status is that without people running around with camera's wanting to know your moves - then your not a real celeb. Don't think this is a pity situation. Celebs play up to the media hoping to get into the spotlight because it will help their career or a future movie. In actuality, celeb's may experience a breakdown by not having their life cared about enough that they aren't being followed.

It is only when they reach a 'super-star' status or do something that intrigues us all are the media all over them. Just look at Britney when she was getting a tattoo - the girl was stretching back just to look into the window to make sure the cameras were on her. She had all the security well in hand to do it in a room or have people blocking shots. Instead she drove out and found someone who was going to cut her hair, what - she doesn't have hair people of her own that toured with her she couldn't trust?

face it, without the media and frenzy that follows them, more and more celebs would be doing crazier shit just to get our attention so that they will be in the spotlight which then means they will get more jobs/offers and $$$$

Skype: robjameswarren

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