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Old 02-28-2007, 03:04 PM   #1
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Question FireFox - adframe.php - forumdisplay.php issues

I'm having an issue with FireFox.

When I first enter a board and sometimes after I've been on a board for awhile, the download screen will appear and FF is downloading either adframe.php or forumdisplay.php. It's happened to me in the past with index.php too. Anyway, what happens is, tabs will keep opening up non stop all trying to load the board. Then, I use ctrl-alt-delete/task manager to close down FireFox, otherwise FF will never close and tabs just keep opening.

Is it just me, or has it happened to other FF users too?

I'm thinking that this is some sort of bug with how FireFox reads board scripts, but does anyone really know what it is and how to fix this problem? It does not happen every single time I enter a board or stay logged in, but it is rather annoying when it does happen.

IE works fine. (And no I'm not switching over to IE as my main browser)

I'm using version I noticed it once before with index.php on another board using a previous version of FF, but the issue just seems much worse now.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


As I was posting this post previously attempting to use FF, (FF seemed to be behaving itself), the same thing happened once again, but downloading newthread.php.
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