I agree ad disagree that music sucks right now.
My parents and older relatives hated my choice of music when I was growing up, it was too loud, to guitar based, screaming etc, and yet all that music contributed to the growth of the industry and the development oof todays music. Sometimes the bottom does drop out, we go through boy band phases, metal, hip hop, funk dance etc, some trends I have really dug others WOW, is that really music, well it is creative expression so I guess it must be... I personally dont have to like it all...
soon to be legends, or songs that will be remembered... hmmm, well I know the Chili Peppers have made a classic lasting impression, Chris Cornell both as a collaborator and solo artist, Incubus... but it is really hard to say..
Bands I do like today include the Killers, Panic at the Disco, incubus, RHCP, Swollen Members, My Chermical Romance, Stone Sour, Queens of the Stoneage...