Here is a close up on my cock piercing... It is pretty much a standard piercing .. Not really something outrages by piercing standards...
But they way I see it is very simple....
A guy getting his navel pierced is like drinking a wine cooler at a keg party.
anything other than taking a real chance is like drinking a decafe at an espresso bar..
Using a nicotine patch at a cigar bar.........
of course all those things you can do.... but if you are going to do something ... you may as well do it to an extreme........
It is the same thing with my dreads....... Having dreads is not something I think about cutting ....... It is not a fashion ... it is a feeling.... You don't grow dreads for a summer ......of course people do ..... but......
It is a cross you have to bare......... when you take on that decision you should not think about the thought of going back... My dreads are going on 9 years .... It is most of my adult life... and my piercing I got when i was 18 ...... over 15 years ago.... back then it was'nt a fad...... It was a way of life !