I dunno, I didn't really like it very much at all, less the more I think about it. Ok, they had some funky lighting sometimes and good camera filters, but goddamn this film of unrelenting insecure machismo was as much art in its content as is Maxim magazine. There was little to it, and the least they could do was have some decent fighting/action. You get sick of brown-speedo-wearing dudes doing the same move again and again and again. Block with shield, pirouette like a ballerina, slice. Block with shield, pirouette like a ballerina the other way, slice. It was the kind of film where after many scenes you'd expect a bunch of ten-year-old boys to scream in unison "aweeesommmmmmmmmmme". Pretty much a waste of time. Not to mention the non-action parts, where there was so little character development that it was just about impossible to care about what happened to them. But I guess I'm the minority here.

Looking forward to it becoming an iconic film for the gay community.