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Old 03-19-2007, 02:24 PM   #11
gabrio is cuddling the D3 ;-)
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Originally Posted by Way3 View Post
Glad you had a great trip! Look forward to seeing the photos!
tonight man.. tonight...

here's a funny thing which happened....

we were on the plane and on the other side of the seats there was this group of japan tourists, they were watching us, i was shooting outside with my camera, and for the note you notice it since it's a SLR, well ok....then one of those looks at me and she said ohhh nice camera... and takes out her Canon and shows it to me LOL.... then after a while, my friend takes out his super slim casio xlim camera and they were soo puzzled because the camera was smaller than theirs small cameras hahah i mean shouldn't they have the latest stuff? LOL

not finished..... later on that day we were going around the city centre and we met these japanese girls again and my friend took a photo with one of them and he looked like a superstar surrounded by fans! damn that was soo hilarious, i mean how many chances you have of meeting a group off ppl you met in the plane? hahaha when you see the photo you will have a good laugh...

and for the note i love stories hehe

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