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Old 03-20-2007, 10:16 AM   #1
Cyndalie is not it.
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Question How Wired are You?

I have to be honest here, I forget my cellphone alot. I leave it at home, in my car, in my pocket lying in the hamper in a pair of pants...Hell half the time if it rings and I dont know the number I don't even answer it.

Computers is a different story. I'm on an average of 3 different machines a day. One in the office, one in my home office, and my laptop that follows me around the house. I'm never far from a machine it seems like, but I'm always hopping from one to another. It drives people on my icq list crazy how much I go on/off line.

I don't own a blackberry. I don't have a earthing for my phone (ok, I know, bluetooth). I do have 2 ipods, a digital camera, a camcorder I never use...I have a ps2, an xbox360 (which I've never played with yet), a Wii. I got gadgets. But yet I prefer playing a game of darts or hanging out on the patio to spending much time with them. (Yes, the laptop does come on the patio with me...I learned the hardway not to use it while playing darts lol).

I guess my question is, how many gadgets, communication devices, etc do you find yourself within an arms reach of at any point in the average day?

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