I have said it before. I think we are all way too accessible now. I wish I could throw my cell phone away, or at least only have it in case of emergency when travelling. People communicated just fine before mobile technology came around. You just had to plan your life out a little better.
totally agree - cell phones are a tool to be used, not a life line as some people treat them. Answering them is optional. Now having said that... I live with two of them within arms reach pretty much at all times...

Different server alerts are wired to each one so if something goes down, I find out within a couple minutes.
Past that, I keep track of things with my Palm Zire sync'd to two different computers for safety... but I don't do email from it at all. I don't believe in BlueTooth, so when I drive with my phone, I've got the funky wire hanging down... Desktop computer during the day and laptop at home.
Digital camera for the quick easy pics, but still pull out the film 35mm SLR for the shots that count. Someday I'll be able to afford the Canon digital to replace the old SLR. Totally frustrates the kids when they want to see the pic right that second and I say... when it gets back from the lab...
The kids have a PS2 that I'll play with them on occasion, but I'm not much for those types of games. I'd rather be outside in the sun, preferably riding my mountain bike or annoying the kids with my crappy guitar skills.