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Old 03-23-2007, 04:11 PM   #1
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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Default 2much TENTH B-DAY! (PIC) ( POST YER PICS !)

2Much Is Celebrating it's tenth year in business and we're having yet another bigger blowout to celebrate.

Attendees as well as those who won't be able to be in Montreal on Friday April The 13th are invited to post their watermarked pics of themselves and their first, favorite or funkiest machine - but since this is a ten-year anniversary, and we called it the Binary Birthday Bash - try to give us something with old haircuts, wide lapels, or TRS 80 machines!

Like This:

That's Mark, owner and founder of 2much.net and LiveCamNetwork.com, with his favorite machine, in his teens...

He WILL fire me for this, but if you post up lotsa pics so we can project 'em them on our wall, you'll get some exposure for free, we'll all have a few laughs, and I'll keep my job


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