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Old 12-07-2002, 02:15 PM   #13
Mister X
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Originally posted by Juge
I believe Doom was the most revolutionary game ever made. In comparison to what games were out at the time of a game's release, Doom was the game that was furthest advanced than any other game.

I still think the game rocks, the controls are just poor in comparison to today's games. Go get Doom Legacy which has taken Doom's source code and redid the game in 3D.

Serious Sam is the only game similar in arcade style to Doom, and it rocks. It would have been better if the enemies didnt spawn, though. I think a new version of Doom like the arcade style of the original would rock even more than serious sam.
I was seriously addicted to doom 1 and 2 when they first came out. The only thing I never liked was some of the stupid ways to enter the secret areas. Go stand in a particular spot and then run back fast... bahh. Return to Castle Wolfenstein I thought was pretty good. But unfortunately it doesn't have much replayabilty because the maps aren't random.
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