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Thread: Auto Rank Help
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Old 03-28-2007, 03:46 PM   #1
Dirty-Girl should edit this Edit
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Default Auto Rank Help

Hey Everybody - Rachel Here - aka DirtyGirl from VirtualDirtyGirl.com
I'm having a big problem with my new Autorank Pro - I recently got a new server and subsequently, I had to upgrade my old AutoRank Script to 5.0 as the old script didn't work on my new server. My server admin guys transfered all the data from the old script to the new one, but I can't make heads or tails out of this new script and my whole list is messed up. I actually had to take it down. None of the links work or anything. I just don't understand how this new version works. When I got my original script 6 years ago, someone else got all the templates setup and working for me etc, so I could just edit the templates and work the list etc. My whole list has been down for over a 2 months now and I've lost some great traffic and also lost some great long term linking partners.
So - that being said, I'm looking for someone to help me get this list going again and maybe tutor me a little. I'm not looking for freebees! I know that time is money. So if ur interested, I'd luv 2 hear from you. Thanks Again.
Canadian Kisses
Rachel xoxx
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