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Old 04-02-2007, 11:11 PM   #1
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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Default The 2much 10th Anniversary Bash Becomes a Webmaster Weekend!

It's true, by popular demand, media requirements and pure need for relaxing fun after and before major shows, our 10th anniversary extravaganza has become a weekend-long part.

First there's our Binary 10th anniversary bash on Friday the 13th at our offices on Friday April the Thirteenth.

Then There's the Qwebec Expo sponsored recovery reception at MadHatter's Salloon Terrace Saturday Afternoon - bring your laptops they have wireless and extensions ...

Then there's the Violet Manson Pre-Launch party covered by Webdreams that same night!!!

All the info can be found HERE: http://www.2much.net/10/

And YES there are still cheap sponsorship ops available by popular dmenad so come on and justify the ones who want cause if there aren't enough sponsors, we're not gonna have ANY!!!

Join us in the celebration!
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