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Old 04-05-2007, 10:24 AM   #1
Platinum Chris
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Default When it rains, it pours..

Man, how true is that saying for the bullshit that happens in one's life.

Back at the end of November, I got laid off from my previous job. With the new gaming law that came into effect, all our clients were moving their focus away from US traffic and asking us for Int'l. Since we mainly had only US traffic, things slowed right down to the point the company had to downsize.

Lucky for me, I was able to get back at my prior company on contract for a few months to sustain my life, but no where near the pay scale I was at. So things pile up on ya over time.

Just near the end of my contract, I catch a huge break and land here at Platinum Bucks, and things couldn't have been better. Then comes the snow, lovely white flakes from hell that causes ice.

Well, on the way to work, make a simple turn onto a street I take everyday, I hit that which should not have been there since we pay taxes out our ass to have salted roads, I turn right, the truck goes straight, right into this poor ladies car.

Now, its not bad, but I'm not ready to go down the path of the twink-sites and take a huge rod up my ass, but thats what I'm in for with the insurance company. I think I'll pitch this as a new niche, Ass-Pounding Insurance Agents, APIA for short.

So really, when it rains, it fucking pours. I need an umbrella.

Anyways, thats my wonderful Thursday morning before the long weekend. Enjoy, have your fun, and hopefully my pain makes your day that much brighter
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